What Are Some Nutritional Facts on Mozzarella Cheese?
Let’s take a closer look at a cheese with a name that’s fun to say. What do you see when you look at mozzarella? The truth is, you can’t just look at something and tell what is in it, especially in this day and age. Well, if you look on the side of the package that it came in, you will see a small black and white box labelled “Nutrition Facts”. Let’s look at what mozzarella has in it now you that you can know before you go out any buy some.
For the sake of consistency, we will work with one cup of mozzarella cheese. When you look at the average cup of mozzarella cheese, you see...well, just that. You see an average cup of mozzarella cheese. But, what is that cup of mozzarella up to after it goes inside of your body?
In the average cup of mozzarella, there are 336 calories. 220 of these calories are calories from fat. Over 66% of the calories on a single cup of mozzarella are calories from fat. Speaking of fat, the average cup of mozzarella has about 25 grams of total fat. 15 of the 25 grams of fat are grams of saturated fat. One cup gives you 39% of your daily recommended value of fat and 74% of your daily recommended value of saturated fat.
Here is something that has been worrying more and more Americans recently: cholesterol. With more Americans starting to watch their weight, special attention needs to be paid to cholesterol. In a cup of mozzarella, there are 88 milligrams of cholesterol. That is about 29% of your daily recommended value of cholesterol.
Another thing that many Americans are worried about is sodium. Watching your sodium intake is a great idea. Too much sodium can make your blood pressure high and lead to heart complications. There are 702 milligrams of sodium in your average cup of mozzarella cheese. 702 milligrams is around 29% of your daily recommended value of sodium. Mozzarella is something that you should not take with a grain of salt.
When you look at protein content, you will see that a cup of mozzarella has 25 grams of protein. We all need protein to get through the day. Now, let’s check out some vitamins. There is about 15% of your daily recommended value of Vitamin A, 57% of your daily recommended value of calcium, and 3% of your daily recommended value of iron.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
What Are Some Nutritional Facts on Mozzarella Cheese?
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Are Some Nutritional Facts on Cheddar Cheese?
What Are Some Nutritional Facts on Cheddar Cheese?
Have you ever wondered what exactly cheddar cheese does to your body? Well, if you turn the package over, you can check it out in that little black and white block labeled “Nutritional Facts”.
Let’s check out what exactly is in cheddar. For the sake of consistency, we will use 1 cup or about 132 grams as the constant amount. In one cup of cheddar, there are 532 calories. If you look farther, you will see that 385 of these calories are calories from fat. That is well over half of the calories, and they are from fat.
For every cup of cheddar cheese, there are about 44 grams of fat. That is over 1.5 ounces of fat. Out of these 44 grams of fat, 28 grams are saturated fat. That is an ounce of saturated fat per cup of cheddar cheese.
Since America has a very high rate of obesity and heart disease compared to other countries, many have started watching their health. One of the main concerns is cholesterol since too much of it is never good for you. There are 139 milligrams of cholesterol in a cup of cheddar, which is about 46% of your recommended daily value of cholesterol.
Another recent concern among Americans is sodium. Everyone should watch their sodium intake, since too much of it can lead to high blood pressure. When you look at a cup of cheddar cheese, you will find about 820 milligrams of sodium. 820 milligrams is about 34% of your daily recommended value of sodium.
The average cup of cheddar also has around 2 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of sugar, and absolutely no dietary fiber. There are however 33 grams of protein in a cup of cheddar. We need protein to keep us going and get us through the day. We would not be able to survive without it.
Vitamins and Minerals
Now, let’s explore vitamins and minerals. A cup of cheddar cheese has 26% of your recommended daily value of Vitamin A and 5% of your recommended daily value of Iron. It doesn’t have any Vitamin C. But, on the bright side, a cup of cheddar gives you 95% of your daily recommended value of Calcium. We could all use some more calcium. It helps us keep our bones and teeth stronger as we age. We need calcium to survive. So, don’t skimp on the cheddar.
Have you ever wondered what exactly cheddar cheese does to your body? Well, if you turn the package over, you can check it out in that little black and white block labeled “Nutritional Facts”.
Let’s check out what exactly is in cheddar. For the sake of consistency, we will use 1 cup or about 132 grams as the constant amount. In one cup of cheddar, there are 532 calories. If you look farther, you will see that 385 of these calories are calories from fat. That is well over half of the calories, and they are from fat.
For every cup of cheddar cheese, there are about 44 grams of fat. That is over 1.5 ounces of fat. Out of these 44 grams of fat, 28 grams are saturated fat. That is an ounce of saturated fat per cup of cheddar cheese.
Since America has a very high rate of obesity and heart disease compared to other countries, many have started watching their health. One of the main concerns is cholesterol since too much of it is never good for you. There are 139 milligrams of cholesterol in a cup of cheddar, which is about 46% of your recommended daily value of cholesterol.
Another recent concern among Americans is sodium. Everyone should watch their sodium intake, since too much of it can lead to high blood pressure. When you look at a cup of cheddar cheese, you will find about 820 milligrams of sodium. 820 milligrams is about 34% of your daily recommended value of sodium.
The average cup of cheddar also has around 2 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of sugar, and absolutely no dietary fiber. There are however 33 grams of protein in a cup of cheddar. We need protein to keep us going and get us through the day. We would not be able to survive without it.
Vitamins and Minerals
Now, let’s explore vitamins and minerals. A cup of cheddar cheese has 26% of your recommended daily value of Vitamin A and 5% of your recommended daily value of Iron. It doesn’t have any Vitamin C. But, on the bright side, a cup of cheddar gives you 95% of your daily recommended value of Calcium. We could all use some more calcium. It helps us keep our bones and teeth stronger as we age. We need calcium to survive. So, don’t skimp on the cheddar.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Cheese Auction For Japan!
The tragic events in Japan opens our eyes and makes us realize just how lucky we are. Japan needs our help and every penny counts. We are offering a 5 pound brick of Super Sharp Cheddar cheese on ebay starting at just 99¢. 100% of the sale price will be donated to help Japan so we need your help bidding the auction up! If bidding reaches over $50 we will throw in some FREE gifts! Win this auction and be satisfied not only with the cheese, but with the fact that you helped make a difference!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
How Many Cheeses Does France Have?
How Many Cheeses Does France Have?
What first pops into your head when you think of France? Do you think of its beautiful culture, its history, or the famous city of Paris? Maybe you think of the Eiffel Tower or Europe. France is famous for many things; its wine, its people, and…its cheese. Yes, France is very well known for its cultured dairy products. But, have you ever stopped and wondered just how much cheese is in France?
Besides all of the above, France is also famous for their cheeses. The culinary arts are very big in France, so naturally a lot of their dishes include cheese. The French love their cooking, and they love their cheeses. Considering their great love and appreciation for both, the two would naturally go hand in hand in France. This may have to do with the wide selection that the French have to choose from. There are currently 629 different types of cheeses in France. Yes, you read that correctly. There are currently 629 different types of cheeses in France. The list grows very often.
Along with their long list of different types of cultured dairy come a lot of options. There are many different flavor options to choose from. The French take advantage of all of these flavors when preparing dishes like salad, pasta, sandwiches, pastry, and many more.
French cheeses are generally divided into these different types of groups:
• Blue
• Fresh
• Goat
• Pressed Uncooked
• Pressed Cooked
• Processed
• Soft Bloomy Rind
• Soft Washed Rind
It is also classified according to the milk used to make it:
• Cow and Ewe
• Cow and Unpasteurized
• Cow or Goat
• Cow
• Ewe and Goat
• Ewe
• Goat
The French also differentiate between the stuff that is made in farm houses and the stuff that is manufactured industrially. As you can see, the French take their cultured dairy very seriously. They don’t mess around.
Besides the taste, French cheeses also offer health benefits. It is rich in calcium, which as most of us know is essential for keeping those bones and teeth strong. Calcium also prevents osteoporosis as we age. So, you may consider the stuff to be a life saver.
So, as you can see, not only is France rich in culture and history, but also for their dairy. Try a bit if you get the chance in your favorite main course, side dish or just by itself. I think you will find it rather good or should I say Gouda.
What first pops into your head when you think of France? Do you think of its beautiful culture, its history, or the famous city of Paris? Maybe you think of the Eiffel Tower or Europe. France is famous for many things; its wine, its people, and…its cheese. Yes, France is very well known for its cultured dairy products. But, have you ever stopped and wondered just how much cheese is in France?
Besides all of the above, France is also famous for their cheeses. The culinary arts are very big in France, so naturally a lot of their dishes include cheese. The French love their cooking, and they love their cheeses. Considering their great love and appreciation for both, the two would naturally go hand in hand in France. This may have to do with the wide selection that the French have to choose from. There are currently 629 different types of cheeses in France. Yes, you read that correctly. There are currently 629 different types of cheeses in France. The list grows very often.
Along with their long list of different types of cultured dairy come a lot of options. There are many different flavor options to choose from. The French take advantage of all of these flavors when preparing dishes like salad, pasta, sandwiches, pastry, and many more.
French cheeses are generally divided into these different types of groups:
• Blue
• Fresh
• Goat
• Pressed Uncooked
• Pressed Cooked
• Processed
• Soft Bloomy Rind
• Soft Washed Rind
It is also classified according to the milk used to make it:
• Cow and Ewe
• Cow and Unpasteurized
• Cow or Goat
• Cow
• Ewe and Goat
• Ewe
• Goat
The French also differentiate between the stuff that is made in farm houses and the stuff that is manufactured industrially. As you can see, the French take their cultured dairy very seriously. They don’t mess around.
Besides the taste, French cheeses also offer health benefits. It is rich in calcium, which as most of us know is essential for keeping those bones and teeth strong. Calcium also prevents osteoporosis as we age. So, you may consider the stuff to be a life saver.
So, as you can see, not only is France rich in culture and history, but also for their dairy. Try a bit if you get the chance in your favorite main course, side dish or just by itself. I think you will find it rather good or should I say Gouda.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What is the Difference Between Soft and Hard Cheese?
With soft and hard cheese, there are many differences that are important to note. Understanding these differences and knowing how they are made will tell you how they are different. With these cheeses you will find that the majority of the differences actually come from the way that they are made and the ingredients that are used, but also there are differences in the cheeses themselves with the texture and the taste. Let’s look at the differences between soft and hard cheese.
Soft Cheese
-Written by Viktoira Carella
Soft Cheese
With soft cheese, generally, you are getting a cheese that has not aged for very long. These cheese are soft, meaning that most of them are not very firm and some can even be spread onto a cracker or a piece of bread. When people think soft cheese, they think of Mozzarella, Brie, Muenster, cheese curds, feta, Blue cheese, and a lot of the goat’s milk cheeses that are very soft. With soft cheese, it is generally not aged very long at all, does not have a long shelf life, and should be used very quickly, otherwise it may go bad. There are a lot of people that enjoy the texture that a soft cheese has and the ability to spread it onto a cracker or bread instead of having to slice it.
Hard Cheeses
Most of the cheese that we eat on an everyday basis is hard cheese. Our cheddars, Colby, Gouda, and Swiss are all hard cheeses. With these cheeses, once the curds were made and drained away from the whey, they generally were pressed with a cheese press to form a block. From there, they were usually aged for a significant amount of time. For hard cheeses, generally they are aged for more than six months, while the soft cheeses are aged for a much shorter period of time. Some hard cheeses will be aged for over a year to give them that sharp taste that people enjoy so much…
There are a lot of differences between soft and hard cheeses, but the main difference really comes down into the amount of time that they were aged. Generally, the less time the cheese is aged, the softer it is. With the hard and soft cheeses, there are also significant differences in taste and texture. Know the differences when you are out shopping for your next great piece of cheese and appreciate what both kinds of cheese have to offer.
There are a lot of differences between soft and hard cheeses, but the main difference really comes down into the amount of time that they were aged. Generally, the less time the cheese is aged, the softer it is. With the hard and soft cheeses, there are also significant differences in taste and texture. Know the differences when you are out shopping for your next great piece of cheese and appreciate what both kinds of cheese have to offer.
-Written by Viktoira Carella
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Cheesy Pairings App Now on iPhone & Android

Now available for download on iPhone and Android phones is Cheesy Pairings. Can't figure out which wines or fruits to pair with your cheeses? Then download this free application to help you solve the problem. This application serves as a simple pairing guide for all of the cheeses offered from Golden Age Cheese. Get your next cheese and wine party right with Cheesy Pairings!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Best Specialty Cheese and How to Find It
There are many specialty cheeses on the market, although picking just one may be difficult. If you are looking for specialty cheeses, you may have to do a little digging, but if you are a cheese connoisseur, it may be well worth it to try to hunt these cheeses down and have something that differs from the cheddar and Colby cheese that you generally eat on a daily basis. A good specialty cheese will give your taste buds something to get excited over and will be a nice little change for flavor.
Kinds of Specialty Cheese
-Written by Viktoira Carella
Kinds of Specialty Cheese
There are a lot of different styles of specialty cheeses; really the only way to explain them is that they are the cheeses you can’t find reproduced in mass production at your grocery cheese, so they aren't your processed cheddar and that sort of thing. Some of the great specialty cheeses are ones that are rarer, that need to age for a long time, and have acquired tastes.
This cheese is better known as stinky cheese. It has a penetrating aroma and is extremely soft and sticky. These curds are washed in salted water and ripened in humid cellars for four weeks. This cheese sometimes reminds people of a thick, salty pudding. But, if it is for you and you have the taste it is definitely a popular cheese.
Black River Blue Cheese
This blue cheese is by far a specialty cheese. This comes from North America and a coop that has been making cheese for nearly 100 years. This is a beautifully creamy, softer than butter, blue cheese that has a wonderfully blue color. A great taste if you like that sort of thing!
Where to Find these Cheeses
If you are looking for your specialty cheeses, you have a few options. There are generally specialty cheese and wine stores in your area. If not, you can always find these cheeses online at the specialty stores and just have them shipped to you. It is easy to get your hands on these cheeses, and sometimes visiting the store is a lot of fun because they will be able to help you find a great wine to pair with your specialty cheese also, so you’ll get the best of both worlds. But, you can also use the ever convenient online ordering option to get your specialty cheeses delivered to your door quickly and at your convenience.
-Written by Viktoira Carella
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