Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cheesy Economics: The World With or Without Cheese?

The majority of people would initially answer the question (What do you prefer, the world with or without cheese?) based on their own personal preference, you either like cheese or you don’t. But perhaps, we need to look at the wider implications and see what the advantages and disadvantages are to having a world with or without cheese, before deciding which option we as an individual would prefer.

According to the history books, cheese has been around for many centuries. Certainly there is a belief in archaeology circles that evidence exists to support the theory that cheese was produced and eaten by the Pharaohs. Cheese making equipment has been found on archaeological sites dating back to the days of ancient Egypt.

What are some of the advantages that come with having cheese in the world?

• Cheese is a food which is produced in almost every country in the world. The cheese industry adds to a country’s economy by providing thousands of jobs and boosts the import/export business. It is a well established multi-million dollar industry which is continuing to grow.

• The market provides opportunities for individual cheese producers and multiple cheese producers to compete and receive awards which are recognized throughout the world for producing the best cheeses. This enhances the reputation of the cheese-maker and will at the same time help to promote their home country and region to a worldwide market.

• The numerous varieties of cheese, which are available to us, are provided with different flavors, strengths and textures. The increase in travel and the opportunity to try different cuisines has expanded our knowledge and desire for a wider variety of cheese to be available.

• The versatility of the product is a boon to the cook whether they are a professional chef or only cooking for ourselves and/or family and friends. Even those of us who can’t or won’t cook can be tempted into purchasing cheese as it can be used on it’s own for snacking, as a filling for sandwiches, rolls and baked potatoes etc. and is not just an ingredient in our cooking and baking

• Cheese can be used to produce relatively inexpensive but filling and nutritional meals. It a is highly popular product within student groups as it can be used to prepare quick, simple, but cheap and cheerful dishes such as macaroni cheese, cheese on toast and almost everyone’s favorite the pizza, the options for using cheese are endless.

• Cheese is a dairy product made from the milk we obtain from animals such as cows, goats, buffalo, etc. and provides some of our daily nutrients, required to maintain a healthy diet. There are now so many variations of high fat, low fat and lactose free cheeses on the market that there is bound to be one to meet almost everyone’s dietary requirements.

What are some of the disadvantages that would come with not having cheese in the world?

• If we had no cheese industry what impact would that have, for the many thousands of people who are in employed in the production, shipping and selling of cheese? The implications of not having a cheese industry would have a disastrous effect on the economies of the cheese producing countries, that would lose their income and jobs related to the cheese industry

• How would we utilize the vast quantities of cows, goats and buffalo milk as well as all the other ingredients which are currently used in the making of cheese? Would we be able to produce some other type of versatile product which could generate the same type of interest and profit as cheese, or would we accept an adjustment to our dairy industry and cut back on our animal stocks to compensate.

• What effect would having no cheese industry mean to our fascination with cooking and experimenting with other cuisines, would we still enjoy all our favorite dishes if the cheese was missing or would the food taste bland and look unappetizing? I personally, cannot think of any ingredient which would provide a similar eating experience or that would provide us with the opportunity to produce a range of quick, cheap and cheerful meals.

So on balance, I think I prefer the world with cheese rather than without and the advantages that having it provides to the world-wide economy, the direct and indirect jobs the industry provides, the import/export opportunities, the opportunities to enhance a country’s reputation and cuisine etc. It makes economic sense to have cheese in the world.

I also find it very difficult to imagine what I could possibly use to replace a versatile product like cheese. I use it on it’s own or as an ingredient in my cooking and baking and removing and/or replacing it with some other product would affect the taste, texture and quality of the end results and it might not provide the same enjoyable eating experience.

In making a final decision on whether I prefer the world with or without cheese, I recognize that for most people, it will probably come down to whether they like and use cheese, or not.
But for me and my family, I probably use it in some form or another, on a daily basis, as a snack, for sandwiches and in my cooking and baking. My fridge will very rarely be found without some type of cheese in it and it is a weekly item on my shopping list. So I most definitely do prefer the world with cheese.

-Written by Ruslan K

1 comment:

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