Cheese can in some cases be a little expensive, but sometimes due to a distraction you can leave it outside of the refrigerator by accident. It is then that a lot of people want to know how long cheese can be outside and still be good enough to store in the fridge again. The amount of time that cheese can be outside depends on the type of cheese that you are talking about. Some cheeses will go bad faster than others and how long it stays good depends on the storage conditions. Keeping it in the fridge is not enough; you may also have to take other precautions. Here is what you can expect from some of the most popular products out there such as cheddar, mozzarella and cheese curds.
Mozzarella Cheese
Mozzarella cheese is a very popular type of cheese and it is also one of the cheeses most people will not put back in the fridge right away. The problem with leaving mozzarella cheese out of the fridge (and any cheese for that matter) is that after some time bacteria will start to grow. Our bodies are made to kill the bacteria, but it will not kill all of it. How long does depend on the kind of Mozzarella. The fresh version in a salt bath can last for a few hours up to four. The firmer version of Mozzarella can last a few hours if still in a sealed container.
Cheddar Cheese
Cheddar cheese is a bit different to mozzarella in that it is aged longer and therefore can withstand being out of the fridge longer. Many people used to keep aged, hard cheeses in dishes that had wooden bottoms with glass lids and they would keep fine for even a week. When in its original packaging, store bought Cheddar can be safe to keep outside for a period of eight hours, provided that the package is sealed and that there have not been any extremely high temperatures. Refrigeration at temps of 35-45 degrees Fahrenheit have been used to slow the molding process and prolong the edibility of the cheese.
Cheese Curds
Cheese curds are best when they are made that day and eaten before refrigerated. This is the best way to enjoy their ‘squeak’ and their taste. Some people actually keep them out of the fridge for up to 48 hours. For this purpose, if you want to keep the cheese curds tasting their best then you should make sure to keep them in their original packaging and a sealed plastic bag would also help. If you aren’t going to gobble them up shortly then you can store in the fridge or even in the freezer for up to four months.