Saturday, August 11, 2012

What Is The Best Kind Of Cheese For Pizza?

What Is The Best Kind Of Cheese For Pizza?

So you're in the mood for a little Italian food tonight and pizza is on the menu. You've made a list and headed to do the shopping, but just can't seem to decide which cheese would be best for this pizza. Mozzarella just seems too easy and what everyone uses, so why not go for a bit of a change.

Mozzarella is certainly one of the best choices for pizza because it melts so easily and holds all your toppings on. But what about the taste? There isn't a cheese that has a milder flavor and if you're anything like me, you may want a little more pizazz. I like to use a bit of a combination for my pies. I sprinkle a fine layer of Mozzarella and then go over it with fresh Parmesan, I follow this with either Swiss or White Cheddar. This combination keeps the traditional look of a pizza, but adds a richer flavor.

Why not spice it up? If you're somebody who likes a pizza with fresh peppers or those from a jar, a fantastic idea to use on your pizza is Jalapeño Pepper Jack. The Jack flavors melt as easily as the Mozzarella, but have a little more flavor. Make it Pepper Jack and the flavor has quite the kick to it, making it a spicier pie to try.

Maybe you're more of a cheddar person. I have to admit the first couple of times I saw pizza with yellow cheese mixed in I was a little put off. Really it's the flavor and quality of melt you want most when it comes to the glue that holds your pizza together. This combination is one of the best because most Sharp Cheddars don't melt very easily but when you combine those with a softer kind like Mozzarella you end up with the perfect type of gooey cheese on top.

The last thing I would consider when deciding on a cheese for you pizza is if you want to really venture on a limb and go with goat, feta or blue cheese. These don't melt really great, but if you sprinkle some over your pie and then layer Mozzarella or a soft Provolone over the top you'll end up with a unique flavor that's hard to beat.

In the end, the most important thing to remember is that pizza simply isn't pizza without cheesy-goodness on top.

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