Sunday, January 16, 2011

Health Benefits of Cheese

There are many different health benefits to cheese and a lot of reasons why people eat it just because it tastes good. While, of course, like anything else that tastes amazing, cheese should be eaten in moderation because it does tend to have fat in it that can lead to bad things. But, there are many great health benefits to eating cheese and it is definitely something that should be incorporated into everyone’s diet and become a part of the dairy servings that they eat. If you love cheese, understand what it can do for you to make your body better.

Dental Care

Cheese is good for your teeth. Because it is so high in calcium, it will help build strong teeth. Plus, cheese is also generally low in lactose, which is good because it avoids the overload of sugar that your teeth do not need.

Bone Health

Cheese is good for your bones. Just like with your teeth, because cheese is high in calcium it can help get the calcium that you need. This is great for people that are looking to build up their calcium levels and strengthen their bones.


Osteoporosis is caused by a deficiency of calcium in the body, which causes bone density levels to fall. For women with diets rich in cheese, they can help avoid this lack of calcium by eating a lot of great cheese. Generally, women who go through menopause see the most of this and should up their intake of cheese and other dairy products for their health.


With this issue, you have to be careful and find cheeses that are low in sodium and low in fat. But, what happens with these cheeses is that they actually will help reduce Homocysteine, which is something that is related to hypertension and other heart issues.

Weight Gain

If you are looking to add on a few pounds, cheese is the way to do it. It has all kinds of good proteins, fats, calcium, and vitamins in it that will help you bulk up. For people that have to add pounds for their health, eat more cheese.

There are many reasons why you should incorporate cheese into your everyday diet and use it to build up the servings of dairy that you eat every day. Start looking at all the great cheeses that are out there and see all the great health benefits that it can provide for you.

-Written by Viktoira Carella

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