Monday, April 6, 2015

What Makes Cheese Raw?

When you start to take a closer look at the various cheese available on the market, you will quickly notice that some of them are referred to as raw cheese. This can be confusing as there are very few raw cheeses for sale in the United States, meaning that most people are not aware of the differences between raw cheese and standard cheese. The most important thing to know is that the difference comes down to pasteurization.

Pasteurization And The Milk

The simplest way to put the answer to the question what makes cheese raw is that the milk that is it is made from is not pasteurized. Therefore you will find either pasteurized or raw (unpasteurized) cheese. Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization during the mid-19th century. This process involves heating milk (or other liquids) so that the amount of protozoa, yeast, mold, bacteria, and viruses will be reduced. This makes it much safer to eat, especially considering that milk is the ideal environment for many microorganisms due to its lactose content.

Rules For Sale In The U.S.

Because of the increased risk of bacteria and other microorganisms in raw cheese (due to its production with unpasteurized milk), there are restrictions for its sale and production in the United States. That means that any raw cheese purchased in the U.S. must have been aged at least 60 days, whether it was produced domestically or internationally. The idea is that the extra aging time will destroy harmful bacteria, but the number of days (60) is arbitrary. This rule means that certain raw milk cheeses that are aged for two weeks, like Camembert, may only be brought into the U.S. as pasteurized varieties.

Flavor And Texture

Compared to a typical pasteurized cheese, raw cheese tends to have a certain uniqueness. This includes well-defined flavors as well as complexity. You can find raw cheese in any shape, such as blocks or wheels, and a range of textures, including crumbly, creamy, oozy, and firm. It all depends on the specific ingredients and production process, just like with pasteurized cheese.

Famous Raw Cheeses

If you have ever had a true Parmigiano Reggiano or Camembert, then you will have already experienced raw cheese. The best way to find raw cheese in the United States is to look for a specialty cheese retailer as they should have a larger variety of options on hand. Just keep in mind that if you live in the U.S., any raw cheese you find will have been aged for at least 60 days.

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